This is my homepage for all of my quad stuff. I have pictures of my build-up and some pictures of my trailer.
What's new
I won the Summit County Indoors Series in my class. I almost gave up on it cuz of some problems(see Race Day page and look-up the races). But, I managed to win, so that's 1 series down and 3 more to go.
Well, it's that time of year again. Yep, time for Summit County Indoors. They are held January 10, 11,and 12, and February 21, 22, and 23. With a practice day the Thursday before each weekend events. the times for the events are as follows: Friday; sign-up at 6pm, practice at 7pm, and race at 8pm, Saturday; sign-up at 10am, practice at 11am, and race at 7pm, Sunday; sign-up at 10am, practice at 11am, race at 2pm.
New sponsor and Friends rides pages now up
I'm done racing for the year. I had a bad year for injuries and ended up doing pretty well towards the end of the season. I'm hoping next year will be better and I get to race more and be safer.
Just got a FCR 39 carb. This thing is the best single modification I have done. It flat-out hauls. This plus the new gearing(16/36) I think I have a better chance of doing well next year. I can now pull wheelies, with the new higher gearing, where I couldn't with a lower gearing(15/37) before, since the longer swingarm. I love it and recommend it to anyone who wants more power from their 400's.

oops! broken top ball joint and bent lower ball joint |
well i got a new injury to list, see the injuries page for details
I finally got my trailer. I will get pictures of it soon. Still thinking of a name to put on the side of it.
My leg is healed and I'm ready to race. As soon as start racing I will put my results and any pictures if get any.
This site contains just about everything about my 400ex. I have just completed a winter build-up. Pictures can be seen on the build-up page. I planned on racing already this year, but I broke my leg on January 27, 2002. That has had me back, I am still not ableto race yet. When I am able I plan on racing as much as possible. I will post news about how I am doing and have some pictures if I am able to get any. I also have a page that lists all of the products that I installed on my 400. So, I encourage you to browse through and enjoy!
my broken leg